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Writer's pictureHolly Freese

The MOST important thing is FAMILY & LOVE

It's been awhile since I've posted about our boy, Walker James, and all for good reason! There hasn't been much to UPDATE you all about because HE'S DOING GREAT!!!! I feel like we are finally back to "normalcy" in our lives. He's back to school, he's eating anything and everything he wants with NO issues, and Wednesday marks 4 weeks post OP! Boom! He's still on limitations until Friday for activity, but then he's released and basketball season BEGINS! He cannot wait!!! Time flies when you're having fun!

This weekend we spent time celebrating my Mom's birthday. She has been with Walker and myself through this ENTIRE process, and deserves SO many thanks and appreciation. The boys and myself, and the new pup, hit the road Saturday and drove to her house to spend the weekend together. We went and all visited Santa! Tis the season, and it was time for a photo update. After we all told the big man what we wanted for Christmas (No more hospital or doctor visits in 2020 PLEASE!) we headed to watch The Grinch play at Miller Auditorium. It was a fun performance and the boys loved it! Afterwards, we took my Mom out to dinner downtown at Old Burdick's -Yummy food and even better company! Then it was back to her house for cake, presents and a SLUMBER PARTY! Sunday morning we woke up and did a little sledding on the golf course and just relaxed....well as much relaxing as one can do with 3 hyper boys.

Today I scheduled Walker's 6 week Esophogram to make sure things are healing as they should. Mayo Clinic allowed us to schedule the procedure here at Helen DeVos Children's Hospital and we will have the report and images sent to our specialist in Minnesota. December 4th is the big day! Once they read the reports they will decide if Walker needs that stomach loosened or not. Fingers crossed the answer is NO! For now we are enyoing our lives just BEING HOME! The holidays are approaching and I can only wish everyone stays HEALTHY, HAPPY and HOME together!

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