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HAPPINESS is.....simply learning we can STAY HOME 💕

We’ve been a little anxious over here the past 5 days awaiting to hear a decision from Walker’s specialist in Minnesota about his...

Your results are in......

Your Test results DO NOT define you as a person or predict your future kid! It’s just another hiccup and part of your journey. This...

The MOST important thing is FAMILY & LOVE

It's been awhile since I've posted about our boy, Walker James, and all for good reason! There hasn't been much to UPDATE you all about...

Helping ONE life makes it ALL worth it...

It's been a minute since I've posted on our amazing warrior boy, Walker James! He's had a great week back at school with his friends and...

Halloween Tummy Grumbles

Happy November 1! Can you believe Halloween is OVER and Christmas is just around the corner? We LOVE Christmas over here so you will...

Making the BEST out of LIQUIDS

We’ve gotten kind of used to this ‘Full liquid diet’ thing, unfortunately. 6 months ago he was on one for 40 days straight! Hard for a 10...


This past 6 months has really tested my strength! I am no where near perfect, but I will continue to remain STRONG for my family, but...


At times our own light goes out, and is rekindled by a spark ⚡️ from another. That spark came from Stacey Sills, one of my dearest...


Home is the NICEST word there is! Happy Saturday.....woke up at HOME, with all my boys here❤️ Yesterday morning W slept in. It felt good...

STRENGTHS you didn't know you had!

Being a Mother is learning about STRENGTHS you didn’t know you had, and dealing with FEARS you didn’t know existed. It was a restless...


Sometimes the STRENGTH within you isn’t a big fiery 🔥 flame for everyone to see, but a tiny spark that whispers ever so softly, KEEP...

Here to get you WELL!

Always remember that your present situation isn’t your final destination. Because kid....the BEST is yet to come. We are here to get you...

Road Trip #2!

Because the GREATEST part of a road trip 🚘 isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the WILD stuff that happens along the way! Our...

Walker STRONG tees

An amazing lady made our family Walker Strong shirts to help support our boy! You can support and order from her link below!...

I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying!

’m not crying....your crying! Okay....caught me...I’m REALLY crying. 😭Coach Josh Nyman and son just stopped by to wish W GOODLUCK this...

Community support

I’ll just leave this right words. So blessed with a great community behind us! ❤️

It affects us ALL

Little Cash my 3 year old has to head with GiGi & Papa Freese tomorrow for the week while we head back to Minnesota to prepare for...

Random Acts of Kindness

Sometimes it takes only ONE act of kindness and caring to change a persons life! ❤️ . We were off to school this morning and had our...

Sometimes Things Don't Go as Planned.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned, but Tropical smoothies, Puppies and an afternoon of family Fall 🍂Fun makes EVERYTHING BETTER....

Brothers reunited

Brothers are what best friends can never be! Reunited and feels SO good!!! . . #family #brothers #home #walkerstrong #blessed #cheers...

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One in a Million.....

A hard disease to swallow

Welcome to One in a Million.....My newest dedication to helping my son cope with Achalasia. A rare esophageal motility disorder that affects only one in a million kids. Follow our journey.

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