We enjoyed the weekend with family to celebrate our youngest son’s 3rd birthday and Easter! With Walker being on a liquid diet, it’s a struggle and our nights are challenging as he can no longer lay down when he sleeps as he gags and chokes on the constant reflux and vomit. But overall he had a great weekend & kept his mind busy. Today I sent him to school to keep his mind off of things and sent him with a Tropical Smoothie and came in at noon to eat lunch with him. Cash and I brought him a mint Shake with his nutrition blended in! Was glad to see him laughing and enjoying time with friends! Tomorrow is the BIG DAY of meeting with our surgeon. We hope we can get his surgery scheduled mid week and get things rolling. He’s losing weight and not getting much sleep. I can tell he’s getting tired and energy level is depleting quickly. But we will get through this! He amazes me daily with his positivity!