You are BRAVER than you believe. You are STRONGER than you seem. You are SMARTER than you think, But LOVED more than you’ll ever know ❤️
Today was a difficult day, BUT WE, or should I say, HE, made it through like a WARRIOR. We had to catch the shuttle at 7am to St Mary’s Hospital to get his Manometry procedure completed. We knew this was going to be tough, but maybe didn’t realize the extent. We waited in the waiting room for a few hours before taking us back. We got his gown on and prepped. This is the test we SHOULD have had done prior to surgery last time, and mad at myself I didn’t DEMAND it. It’s literally the road map for surgery for an Achalashia patient and upset the surgery team back home didn’t get this completed. During esophageal manometry, a thin, flexible tube (catheter) that contains pressure sensors is passed through your nose, down your esophagus and into your stomach. It measures the rhythmic muscle contractions that occur in your esophagus when you swallow. The test also measures the force and coordination of esophageal muscles as they move food to your stomach. We knew this was going to be uncomfortable inserting the tube but we wanted to give it our best FREESE TRY without having to put him under general anesthesia. The nurse attempted twice, but W was struggling. I can’t blame him! That tube is pretty big! So we had to prep him to get sedated. They took him back into the OR and administered an IV, intubated him and once asleep they inserted the tube into his nose. When they wheeled him back to his room he was still out of it. Once he started to come to, he was trying to pull the tubing out so they had to hold his hands down. Hard seeing that for a Mom! But once we settled him down and explained we needed to get this test done he understood. Unfortunately the tube wasn’t reading the bottom of his esophageal sphincter, so she kept having to move the tube in and out of nose, which started causing W discomfort and upsetting him. He got nauseated from the anesthesia and started vomiting. Once we calmed him down, pumped him up, we said let’s get the test complete so we can get out of here! This boy made me SO proud and bucked up and got the test complete! We got what we needed! Getting the tube pulled out was our last step before we could leave. Another unpleasant step, but he got it done! We took an Uber back to hotel, grabbed some food and are relaxing in the room for the night. WHAT A DAY! But unbelievably proud. He is WALKER STRONG. We meet with the specialist again tomorrow at 11:15am to make our plan! ❤️