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Navigating through....

As we navigate the next 11 days awaiting to travel back to Mayo Clinic to prepare Walker for, yet AGAIN another surgery, we want to...

Good, Bad, Ugly

We’ve been here for the GOOD, the BAD, & the UGLY. We could have walked out as bad as it got, but we stuck it out because we will finish...


You are BRAVER than you believe. You are STRONGER than you seem. You are SMARTER than you think, But LOVED more than you’ll ever know ❤️...

Appointment DAY

Today we met with the specialist, Dr. Manini a top Pediatric GI Specialist! He is FANTASTIC! We are truly in the right place, and got the...


We’ve arrived!!!! Rochester, Minnesota- The Freese’s are HERE ~ and Grandma Richardson! We explored Mayo Clinic and found our appointment...

Minnesota BOUND

And we’re off ✈️. I am learning to trust the journey, even when I don’t understand it. We are onward to Mayo Clinic to get our boy some...

Meal Prep

Lots of meal prep, laundry, packing, to prepare for W and I to leave for Mayo Clinic tomorrow morning! We leave behind the rest of the...

So here we are....

So here we are, preparing to fly ✈️ to Minnesota on Monday morning heading to Mayo Clinic. Walker’s esophagus is yet again closing after...

It was good while it lasted.....

He’s ONE IN A MILLION.’ One out of a million kids get diagnosed with Achalasia. After surgery almost 5 months ago he seemed to be 100%...


He’s COURAGEOUS in one word. I couldn’t imagine going through what he has even at my age. He is one strong 💪🏼 boy! . It’s been almost 4...

Feeling Corny!

We’re feeling kinda corny 🌽today! Its been over 2 months since Walker's Surgery and still no symptoms have returned. OVERJOYED and...

Health Beat Story

Walker is 1 in a million, Literally ONE in a million kids get the disease of Achalasia. This guy right here, Dr. Jack Schneider, changed...

Post Surgery Appointment

Today was Walker’s 3 week post op appointment with the surgeon, Dr. Schneider. He couldn’t believe how well this boy is doing! His...

BEST Principal EVER

We have the BEST principal at Dutton Elementary. He came over to hang with W for awhile today and brought him the biggest Vanilla Shake...

Home Sweet Home

🎉🎉We are HOME!!!!!! 🎉🎉 Feels so good! We were greeted by Dad and these awesome signs that the boys made us last night! He will still...


This boy is the happiest sick patient I’ve ever met. Never complained about anything & always has a smile. He’s such a CHAMPION! Love him...

We got a HALL pass!

He ordered some breakfast; oatmeal, puréed peaches 🍑, yogurt & puréed French toast. He only ate the yogurt and peaches. 😩So I went over...

Visitors & Naps

We’ve had visitors today, then both took a nap 💤! Nutritionist came in and they moved him from clear liquid diet right up to puréed...

Apple Juice TIME!

He’s extremely swollen & sore but this SMILE makes me SO happy! We had a good night overall and they’ve moved him from Water to Apple...

Surgery update!

So many are asking for updates! He did great through an almost 5 hour surgery. Surgeon was able to complete everything he wanted...

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One in a Million.....

A hard disease to swallow

Welcome to One in a Million.....My newest dedication to helping my son cope with Achalasia. A rare esophageal motility disorder that affects only one in a million kids. Follow our journey.

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